
Mysterious underground cathedrals from the years 1874, 1894, and 1917

Two brick and one concrete water tank, unparalleled in Europe, whose visit will take your breath away!

This Brno "must-see" is located under the unassuming grassy area of a revitalized park on Žlutý kopec and offers an experience akin to that of another world from a long-lost civilizations.

Three colossal underground tanks are a unique architectural monument and a testament to exceptional technical industrial architecture in its pristine form.

You can visit the Žlutý kopec Water Tanks individually, as part of guided tours, during various cultural events, or even rent them out.

Hlasujte pro Vodojemy Žlutý kopec!

Rozhodněte o vítězi ceny Památky děkují v on-line hlasování. Tato cena veřejnosti je udělována Národním památkovým ústavem v rámci ocenění Patrimonium pro futuro. Vyzdvihuje nejlepší počiny v památkové péči.
Zaslouží si Žlutý kopec Water Tanks váš hlas? 

The Brno underground is a phenomenon

 If visiting the water tanks wasn't enough for you, you can choose from seven other types with a unique atmosphere. Each place is a unique experience, judge for yourself: a labyrinth, cellar, ossuary, bunker, shelter, lapidarium, or tomb. Moreover by entering multiple sites you can enjoy attractive discounts. 


an ideal choice for a long weekend